yo! I’m a queer artist of color currently living in the US o( ❛ᴗ❛ )o I’m mainly active on twitter, so check me out there!! feel free to reach out to me if you need anything!!


I usually just stick to drawing furries, but I’ll occasionally (re)tweet about splatoon or sonic!! I also retweet genshin art as well :D


  • I have ADHD and am currently un medicated!! unfortunately, that also means that I’m not the best at responding to comments or messages and will often forget they’re there, please don’t take it personally!! I’m still working on it, but with the growth of my account, it’s a little hard to keep up!

  • tone tags are very appreciated in interactions!! of course, it’s not required, but it would be great to have!

  • sometimes, I disappear for days in a row, occasionally weeks or months if it gets serious enough! I apologize in advance :[

  • I have a pretty low social battery! I’m working on it haha

  • pretty rt heavy!!

  • I don’t mind NSFW accounts following me, but if you have a SFW account, I’d prefer it if you used that one instead!


  • dreamsexuals (DSMP)

  • zoophiles or feral NSFW artists

  • MAPs

  • ALM or blue lives matter supporters

  • pro shippers

  • TERFs

  • anti xenogenders or neopronouns

  • Roe v. Wade turnover supporters

  • anti tone tags (if you don’t use them, that’s fine)


commission openings are announced on twitter!! depending on the circumstances, I’ll either take them on google forms or Ko-Fi! Please make sure to read my TOS before commissioning me!!


  • payment is made through PayPal or Venmo invoices, and all of my prices are in USD!! make sure to have your email connected to either accounts ready!!

  • if you’d like to discuss a payment plan, let me know! orders over $150 are eligible for such a request! otherwise, payment must be made within 24 hours of the sketch being sent (unless you order through Ko-Fi!)

  • commissions are first come first serve unless stated otherwise!

  • please do not forcibly refund the money paid!! otherwise, you will be blacklisted PERMANENTLY!! reach out to me if you are in need of a refund!! (only available if I haven’t worked past the payment point)

  • I will cancel whenever I see fit! in that event, I will message you telling you so, as well as provide a full refund!

  • tips aren’t mandatory, but are very much appreciated!


  • WON’T DRAW: heavy mechs, closed species, hateful / bigoted content, feral characters, extremely saturated characters, etc. if you have any concerns that are(n’t) addressed on the list, let me know and we can talk about it!!

  • if I find that the client is rude or disrespectful, I will issue a refund! this includes constantly asking for updates and making unwarranted comments on my prices! I will give a warning if things start to get unbearable for me :]

  • I refuse to work with clients who indulge in zoophilic, pedophilic, incestuous, or otherwise harmful content for sexual gratification!

  • extras such as more characters, props, and scenic backgrounds will have an extra charge!! that charge will be displayed on the commission application and is subject to change depending on the contents of the extras.


  • clients can use the artwork commissioned by them in any way that isn’t commercial or promotes any sort of bigotry or hatred!

  • do not under any circumstances mint my artwork as Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) or use them within any type of blockchain. you will be blocked and publicly blacklisted from my commissions.

  • credits would be nice when reposting commissioned art, but it doesn’t bother me if they’re not there!

  • please don’t modify my artwork! ask me if you would like something changed and I will change it on my own time depending on what the changes are! otherwise, I will not hesitate to block and privately blacklist you! the same applies to drawing over my artwork as well.


  • wait times will fluctuate from a few days to a few months! I will let you know if there is anything out of my control delaying the process. feel free to ask for updates; if I end up not responding, please do not take it personally!! there are many reasons for this; I go into more detail in the “about my account” section! just try and contact me the day after and I’ll do my best to reply in a timely manner!

  • I will add you to my public Trello and will provide you with a link to it upon commissioning!

  • let me know if you need the art to me finished within a certain timeframe! depending on the circumstances, there may be a rush fee added to the initial transaction (+20% of the original price!) please let me know BEFORE I send you the invoice!

  • I will send a WIP of the sketch, flat color, and fully finished stages! If that is more or less than however many you want, let me know before submitting your application!

are you open for commissions / when do you open for commissions?check my Twitter! my comm status is listed in my bio :D also, my opening schedule is random!
can I be pinged for commission openings?yes! feel free to reply to one of my tweets or shoot me an email with your twitter handle and I’ll put you on the list!
can I make you gift art?of course!! tag me if you post it!!
do you only take commissions through twitter?as of now, yes! it’s very hard for me to keep track of things on other platforms and it adds a lot of stress onto me :[
what do you use to draw?I use a 1st Gen iPad Pro + Apple Pencil! I also use Procreate!
what brushes do you use?I mainly use Procreate’s syrup brush and the dry ink brush from this brush set!
do you do art or design trades?mm sometimes!! they are restricted to my twitter mutuals though (meaning we both follow each other)
can I line and / or color a sketch you made for me? (request or commission)errr please don’t!! it makes me uncomfortable
can I modify a piece of art I have from you to make it into a badge?I would prefer it if you didn’t!! please let me know and I’ll be happy to do that for you!